United States: Reddit user posed the question to the users of the site, “What is one thing a therapist has said to you that you will never forget?”
You received so many interesting, thrilling, and inspiring stories and comments from people which prove how powerful are therapists on their patients.
So, here are some of the most unforgettable things therapists have said to folks:
I was in the process of telling my therapist how I felt about a fairly severe betrayal by my ex-wife. Somewhere I was ashamed for failing to recognize her for what she had turned into which there are many indicators. He took a pencil and something on that yellow note sheet and brought it close to my face almost touching my nose.
He said, ‘What’s that say?’ I couldn’t read it — it was too close to my face. After coming a bit closer I could read it. It said, ‘You’re too close to see it.’ He was right. I needed to be farther away from the problems and the situation to have been able to see it where, in retrospect, it was so obvious. For the first time I can recall, I was able to quit lamenting and start forgiving myself and move on.

But if you want to judge, that pitiful child who was never cared about or recognized is not expecting someone from your parents, no, he/she is waiting for you. You are her parent now. Will you continue to turn your back on her, will not show her affection, will not appreciate her and, overall, will not regard her as worthy as well? Whether she meets or merely barely endures, you decide. Your parents let her down. Will you do the same?'”
This information about the users is reported by Buzz Feed, and continuing this as therapist once said to me, ‘Sweetheart, where you are now, you don’t need to fix every single thing at a go’. Just start somewhere.’ Finally, it made me able to release myself from the demand for perfection and to work on progress. It mattered because it made the larger problems seem more manageable.”
There is also one thing that my therapist once said to me that I’ll never forget is You’re allowed to fell how you fell and even if you don’t have all the answers right now. It stuck with me because I often felt the need to immediately fix or rationalize my emotions instead of just sitting with them. That statement made me realize it’s okay not to have everything without clear expectations and it was freeing to understand that I didn’t need to solve everything at once.
For me, it was a time I was talking about how self-conscious, and I was when dating and what the other person would like you, that you don’t